His "sakabato broken in battle, Kenshin seeks out the man who forged it--Arai Shakku'u--only to be turned away. Seiku, son of the legendary swordsmith, had for a time been continuing his father's work (the forging of "katana, meant for killing), but now limits his skills to cooking knives only. Respecting Seiku's wishes, Kenshin leaves without the desired blade...but not before Shishio's spies learn that Shakku'u has forged one last sword. Meanwhile, Shishio arrives in Kyoto with orders for his 10 generals or "Ten Swords" to join him and put into motion a plan to take over Japan. Cho, one of Shishio's "swords," learns early of Shakku'u's final-blade and determines to secure it at any cost. Now, armed onlywith his broken "sakabato, Kenshin must face Cho in battle...
Judul Buku : Samurai X – Petualangan si Jago Pedang
Penulis : Nobuhiro Watsuki
Penerbit : PT. Elex Media Komputindo
Cetakan : Cetakan I, 2001
ISBN : 9789792028775
Halaman : 185 Hlm.
Tempat Beli : Permata Puri Ngalian Semarang From Handri via tokobagus.com
Tanggal Beli : 1 Februari 2014
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